Welcome to ‘My Identity in Christ Journal’ blog post. Today we will go over the plan I will be doing in my journal along with the first two pages I’ve done. I will try a post at least twice a week and some days I will do two entrees. I’m honestly planning this out as I go and I don’t have anything set in place. Which is okay for now once I get the flow of things. Anyways, let’s jump into it.
I’ve decided to go with the Biblical Affirmations Plan by Sunshyne Gray. It’s a 31 plan that you can do in 31 days or when you have time. I’ve been trying to journal every day but sometimes, the day just gets aways from me. So far, I’ve been doing pretty good giving that I missed a few days due to appointments and having a head cold.
The first verse in my journal is from Romans 5:8 stating that I am loved by God so deeply that he gave his only son to die for my sins. The way I added this verse to my journal is, I use the title “I am loved” and wrote out the verse below.
Romans 5:8
God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.
Then I asked two questions:
1. What did God do to show me he loves me?
2. What does this mean to me?
I also did the same for Ephesians 6:10 with the title “I am strong.”
Ephesians 6:10Then I asked these two questions:
Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
1. What does it mean to be strong in the Lord and his mighty power?
2. What is the Armor of God?
By having those questions, I was able to journal out my thoughts. Even though they are short, it does give my piece of mind knowing that I’m deeply loved by God and that I have his Armor to protect me. Below is a video I created to show you what I’ve done. I also created a printable of the Armor of God you can also use to add to your journal and/or bible. You can download your free printable here or by clicking on the image below.
Identity in Christ Journal Series